NOTE : Postage cost is not included in the product price . Please contact digger dog.


  • Digger dog trail tie to secure your horse to a tree, post or rail, no knots, made from 25mm seat belt webbing set at the horses wither height. This height is very important for proper safe function of the trail tie
  • The Trail-Tie is fitted with a 60cm lead rope that is attached to the halter with a nickel plated steel bull snap
  • If your horse is prone to pulling back or you want a safety release. You can a “Safe T Tie which will release and can be reset posts and rails
  • The use of bailing twine around trees is not permitted by parks
  • The Trail Tie can be used as a lead rope that can fit in your pocket
  • Postage $8
  • Options: Safe T Tie

Additional information

Weight 0.4 kg


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